Add new Company

Company / Merchants are people or businesses that sell goods or services to customers and other businesses. As a Brand, you can create multiple Company accounts and monitor, control and review their activity from the dashboard. Log in as a Company for a more granular view of their payment behaviour. Activate or deactivate subsidiaries with one click.

To create a new Company:

  1. Go to Merchants > Create New.
  2. Fill in the Name, Email, and Merchant Reference.
  3. Add the Roles for this particular Merchant and select Permission Policies for them. (If the roles has not been selected for Default Owner role, the Admin role will be created automatically and assigned to the user)
  4. Click Create Merchant.

Please note: The Merchant Reference field can be filled out in alphanumeric format with up to 64 characters long. The field is optional by default, therefore it is still possible to create a Company without Merchant reference.  

The creation of a Company is also possible through the API request where the merchant_reference field can be added to the request body:

curl --location -g --request POST '{{url}}/v1/scope/brand/companies' \

--header 'x-access-token: {{xaccesstoken}}' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data-raw '{

"email": "",

"name": "Wanda company", 

"merchant_reference ":  "string "
