
How to add new Subscriptions, Update Payment Source expiry date from Subscription, Cancel Subscriptions, Reactivate Failed Subscriptions, Update Subscription frequency, Custom Retry Failed Subscription, Update Subscription Status


Add new Subscriptions

Subscription payments occur when customers authorise a merchant to charge them for goods or services on a scheduled basis. As opposed to one-time purchases, recurring payments require merchants to securely store additional customer information for future charges. Automated payments simplify the billing process, maximising revenue, securing cash flow, and fostering long-term customer relationships.

To add a new Subscription, which will automatically add a new Customer:

  1. Go to Subscriptions > Add new.
  2. Complete the Customer's Personal Information, Address, Payment Information and Payment Details.
  3. Choose the Interval, Frequency, Start and End Date, and Retry.
  4. Select Add Subscription.


To add a Subscription from Customers, go here. 

Here are the Subscriptions' key parameters:

  • Interval -  the period between Charge reattempts (daily, weekly, monthly or annually).
  • Frequency - the number of Charge reattempts for the set Interval (e.g. a Charge every 5 days equals Interval to 'days' and Frequency to '5').
  • Start Date - the date of the first Charge, in UTC format
  • End - the date of the last Charge, in UTC format
    • End never –  process Charges until manual termination.
    • End date – process Charges until a specified date. 
    • End amount reached or exceeded - process Charges until a certain financial threshold has been reached or exceeded.
    • End amount not to exceed - process Charges before a certain financial threshold has been reached. The remainder of the Charges will not be processed if there's a 'gap'.
    • Total Transactions - process Charges until a specified number of payments have been collected.
    • Total amount equals - process Charges until a specified amount of payments have been collected. The remainder of the Charges will be processed at the last Transaction if there's a shortfall.

Note: By default, the first Charge on the Subscription is scheduled for 11:30 AM UTC on the current day. If you create a Subscription earlier, the Charge will happen at this particular time, so do not worry if you do not see an immediate payment. If a Subscription is created after 11:30 AM UTC, the Charge will be made immediately.


Cancel Subscriptions

To cancel a Subscription:

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > Cancel for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Confirm with Yes, please.

Reactivate Failed Subscriptions

To reactivate a failed Subscription:

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > Reactivate for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.

Note: An Active Subscription will attempt to process all skipped Charges according to the last cycle. For this reason, we encourage you to ensure with your Customer that all missed Charges from their side will be collected.

To choose a new Start Date for the subscription and do not charge a customer:

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > View details for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Find Status in the upper right corner.
  3. Click change to and select the status from the drop-down menu.
  4. For failed charges choose a new Start Date.

Alternatively, cancel the Subscription and create a new one for your Customer.

Note: When reactivating a Subscription in the Held status, the skipped Charges will not be reprocessed. They’re created according to the Subscription schedule and are kept in the logs.


  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > View details for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Find the Schedule section and edit the Start date field.
  3. Click Update Subscription.


Update Subscription frequency

To update the Subscription frequency:

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > View details for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Make the required changes under Schedule  > Frequency.
  3. Click Update Subscription.

Note: The Frequency and Retry interval control how frequently the Charge will be reattempted, while the Number of Retries controls the maximum number of attempts to capture the Charge.


Custom Retry Failed Subscription

To configure a custom retry cadence for individual failed Charges or Subscription plans: 

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > View details for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Under the Retry section, choose Custom from the dropdown list.
  3. Set the Frequency, Number of retries, Retry intervaland Failed status.
  4. Click Update Subscription.

Note: The Frequency and Retry interval control how frequently the Charge will be reattempted, while the Number of Retries controls the maximum number of attempts to capture the Charge.


To add a new Subscription with Custom Retry, go here.

Please note: The retry attempts will not be processed in case the subscription charge was declined with a hard decline reason - the subscription will get 'Failed' status immediately and further payments will be held until the subscription is reactivated.


Default Retry Failed Subscriptions

To configure a default retry cadence for all failed Charges or individual Subscription plans: 

  1. Go to Subscriptions > Settings.
  2. Set the parameters:
    1. Retry count - how many times the Customer's card is retried after a Charge fails.
    2. Retry interval (hours) - how many hours are in between the times the Customer's card is retried.
  3. Click Update.

Please note: The retry attempts will not be processed in case the subscription charge was declined with a hard decline reason - the subscription will get 'Failed' status immediately and further payments will be held until the subscription is reactivated.


Update Payment Source expiry date from Subscription

To update the expiry date of a Payment Source from the Subscription:

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > View details for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Go to Payment Sources > Actions > Edit for the specified Source.
  3. Insert new Expiration month, year and CVV.
  4. Click on Update Expiry.

Note: You can choose to Use the Customer default payment source.


To update the expiry date of a Payment Source from Customers, go here.

Note: An error while updating a credit or debit card’s expiry date is most likely related to the security settings of the Gateway or the Acquirer. As a PCI-DSS compliant Service provider, we cannot store the CVV numbers. In many cases, a card's CVV must be submitted along with the new card expiry date to update it. We recommend creating a new Customer record in this instance.





Update Subscription Status

To update the status of a Subscription (Failed status excluded):

  1. Go to Subscriptions > View All > Actions > View details for the specified Subscription. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
  2. Find Status in the upper right corner.
  3. Click change to and select the status from the drop-down menu.
  4. Confirm with Yes, please.
  5. Under the Subscription's Last Status Change, the Manual update will be reflected (previously Automatic).

Please note: If you activate failed subsciption, you will need to confirm whether the skipped payments should be processed or select a new Start Date:

Subscriptions statuses help diagnose any issues and act on amendments:

status description
active a subscription was created successfully and is active on the customer's account. The status is set automatically. However, you can manually update the status from Failed, Completed, Canceled, or Held to Active and reactivate the Subscription.
failed a subscription has been cancelled manually. The reason could be a customer's request to cancel an active subscription, despite not all payments being processed. Or an initial failure of the automated payments due to incorrect customer payment details. 
cancelled a subscription has been cancelled manually. The reason could be a customer's request to cancel an active subscription, despite not all payments being processed. Or an initial failure of the automated payments due to incorrect customer payment details.
complete a subscription has automatically ended. The reason is the completion of the subscription's pre-set conditions. For example, the recurring billings have collected the specified amount or number of transactions or have reached the end date.
held a Subscription is paused and will only resume upon a manual reactivation. The records on charges are still created but not processed. Once you set the subscription back to active status, these charges will not be reattempted.

Note: Usually, Failed Subscription payments occur because the card Issuing Bank has declined the Transaction, e.g. insufficient funds, or the card is expired or replaced.

Subscription Status

Subscription payments occur when customers authorise a merchant to charge them for goods or services on a scheduled basis. As opposed to one-time purchases, recurring payments require merchants to securely store additional customer information for future charges. Automated payments simplify the billing process, maximising revenue, securing cash flow, and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Subscriptions statuses help diagnose any issues and act on amendments:

Subscription Status Description
active a subscription was created successfully and is active on the customer's account. The status is set automatically. However, you can manually update the status from Failed, Completed, Canceled, or Held to Active and reactivate the Subscription.
failed a subscription has been failed automatically after several charge retries or an initial failure due to incorrect customer payment details.
cancelled a subscription has been cancelled manually. The reason could be a customer's request to cancel an active subscription, despite not all payments being processed. Or an initial failure of the automated payments due to incorrect customer payment details.
complete a subscription has automatically ended. The reason is the completion of the subscription's pre-set conditions. For example, the recurring billings have collected the specified amount or number of transactions or have reached the end date.
held a Subscription is paused and will only resume upon a manual reactivation. The records on charges are still created but not processed. Once you set the subscription back to active status, these charges will not be reattempted.



Note: Automated update of subscription status to failed only applied to the following gateways:

- Authorize.Net;

- Assembly Payments;

- Afterpay;

- Bambora;

- Braitree;

- eWAY;

- Ezidebit;

- Fat Zebra;

- Flo2Cash;

- Forte;

- Merchant Warrior;

- NAB;

- Paperless;

- Windcave;

- PayPal;

- Pin Payments;


- Stripe;

- Westpac Payway;

- Worldpay;

- Zip;

We are currently working on a future enhancement that will extend this across all available gateways.