Network Tokenisation

Network tokenisation is a security technology used primarily in payment processing to protect sensitive card information.

It replaces actual card details with a unique identifier or token, which can be used to process payments without exposing the original card information.

Network Tokenisation enables merchants to process payments in a more secure way, and as a result, be eligible for lower fees from schemes and achieve a higher transaction approval rate.


Supported Card Schemes:

Mastercard: Offers Secure Card on File (SCOF) to securely tokenise Account PANs for e-commerce and in-app transactions, replacing PANs with unique tokens (issuer participation required).

Visa: Provides Token Service (VTS), replacing the card’s 16-digit number with a secure token to protect sensitive data during payments.

Supported Gateways:



Typical Setup

Prerequisites to using this service

Step 1: Create Network Token Registration (both Visa and Mastercard)

  • Complete Network Token registration providing the following information

    • Visa:

      • Primary Legal Name (required)

      • Website URL (required)

      • City (required)

      • Country (required)

      • Acquirer Identifiers (required if Bussiness Identification Value and Bussiness Identification Type are not provided)

      • Business Identification Value (required if Aquirer Identifiers are not provided)

      • Business Identification Type (required if Aquirer Identifiers are not provided)

      • Company Address line 1 (optional)

      • Company Address line 2 (optional)

      • Company State Province Code (optional)

      • Company Postal Code (optional)

      • Company Phone (optional)

      • Dun and Bradstreet Number (optional)

      • Company Trade Name (optional)

      • Primary Contact First Name (optional)

      • Primary Contact Last Name (optional)

      • Primary Contact Email (required)

      • Duns Number (optional)

    • Mastercard:

      • Program Name (required)

      • Acquirer Identifiers (ICA, BIN, Merchant ID) (optional)

      • Primary Legal Name (optional)

      • Logo URL (optional)

      • Primary Website URL (optional)

      • Display Name (optional)

      • Merchant Category Codes (optional)

      • Company Address Name (optional)

      • Company Address line 1 (optional)

      • Company Address line 2 (optional)

      • Company Address line 3 (optional)

      • Company City (optional)

      • Company State (optional)

      • Company Postal Code (optional)

      • Company Country (optional)

      • Debit Token Requested (optional)

Step 2: Connect Network Token service to your Paydock Account

  1. Log into your Paydock Production or Sandbox account;

  2. Navigate to Services from the menu on the left;

  3. Click on the Add New tab from the top of the page;

  4. Select the Network token group from the Service Group drop-down list.

  5. Navigate to or search Network Token service (Visa or Mastercard) and click on the Activate button;

  6. Complete the fields below to enable the Netwotk Token service.

    1.  Label – This is for your reference only. In Paydock, you are able to add multiple instances of a service. This can be helpful for tracking campaigns or income streams.

    2. Search/Select Network Token Registration from the Registrations dropdown

    3. Based on the selected Network Token registration in (b) above, the following details would be auto-populated as derived from the Network Token registration completed in Step 1

      1. Registration ID

      2. Group

      3. Type, and

      4. Environment

    4. Set flag “Set as Default“ = true if you want Network Tokens be creates under the hood of Vault API. Note: If no service is “Set as Default“ = true Network Tokens can’t be created. To support Network Tokens for Mastercard and Visa both services should be connected with “Set as Default“ = true.

  7. Click Connect to complete the Network Token service connection.