How to Add new Charges, Add new Verification, Add new Fraud Check, Add new Refunds, Connect Fraud Check to existing Charges and Connect Fraud Check to new Charges Find Update Requested Charge Status and Charge status
Add new Charges
A Charge is a single payment request from your client. It is created through a payment source and linked to a unique ID. A Charge in your account is not necessarily a financial transaction and could include authorisation, refund, void or status change. Managing Charges lets you control the billing and processing of one-off payments or automated subscriptions.
To add a new, one-off Charge, which will not save the customer’s details or payment data:
- Go to Charges > Add New.
- Under the Select Payment type drop-down list, select Charge.
- Complete the Customer’s Personal Information, Address, Payment Details and Payment Information.
- Under Additional Information, you can choose Fraud Charge ID or 3DS Charge ID and provide the respective IDs.
- (optional) Under Customs Fields, you can add Name and Value or select a previously created Custom Field from the Name drop-down list.*
- Click Create Charge.
Custom fields transfer any metadata to the payment gateway or store it in the account. By providing another searchable data point, these fields ease the reporting on the activity within the dashboard. You can insert any Name or Value in JSON format that suits your requirements. However, to successfully pass the information to the Gateway, ensure the value complies with the ateway requirements. Selecting ready Custom Fields reduces the time of adding a new Charge with additional data. You can choose up to 25 custom fields.
To add a new, one-off Charge for an existing Customer, go here.
To automatically Void Charges, go here.
To use Dynamic Pricing, go here.
Note: Every Service has a set of required fields. If you miss one of them, the Charge will not be created. Please check here what fields are mandatory to fill in to prevent it.
Add new Verification
A $0 Verification is a single payment request from your client which will help to verify their cardholders account before a financial transaction can be processed. This option is only available for MPGS and EFTPOS at the moment.
To add a new $0 verification:
- Go to Charges > Add New.
- Under the Select Payment type drop-down list, select Verification.
- Complete the Customer’s Personal Information, Address, Payment Details and Payment Information.
- (optional) Under Customs Fields, you can add Name and Value or select a previously created Custom Field from the Name drop-down list.*
- Click Create Charge.
Add new Fraud Check
Fraud management is identifying and preventing potential fraudulent actions toward a business or its customers. Fraud checks review transaction activities, users, and accounts to evade fraudulent behaviour. You can gather fraud data without triggering a payment transaction. Then, based on the check results, decide on the demand and time of adding a charge.
- Go to Charges > Add New.
- Under the Select Payment type’ drop-down list, select Fraud Check.
- Complete the Customer’s Personal Information, Address, and Payment Details.
- Under Payment Information, choose Accertify for Service Name and insert Vault Token.
- Under Custom Fraud Data, you have the option to insert browser fraud data obtained from the browserDetails variable.**
- Click Create.
**Custom Fraud Data example
Note: Fraud Check is only available for Accertify and works with Vault Tokens.
Add new Refunds
Payment refund is the process of transferring funds from your company account back to the customer. The funds will be returned to the payment method the payer used in the goods/service purchase. Refunds are either linked to charge ID or processed as standalone refunds. We recommend associating the refund with its original charge, thus providing visibility to the Issuing Bank and the card schemes. Refunds could be fully or partially refunded. A full refund equals 100% of the amount. A partial refund equals an amount up to the net. Multiple refunds are allowed up to the full net amount has been reached.
To process a Refund for an existing Charge:
- Go to Charges > View Mode > Actions > Refund Request for the specified Authorisation. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
- Enter the amount you would like to refund. It can be either equal to or less than the original amount.
- Click Refund.
To add a new standalone Refund:
- Go to Charges > Add New.
- Under the Select Payment type drop-down list, select Refund only.
- Complete the Customer’s Personal Information, Address, Payment Details and Payment Information.
- Under Additional Information, you can choose Fraud Charge ID or 3DS Charge ID and provide the respective IDs.
- Click Create Refund.
Note: If a Direct Debit Charge was processed and is in status r equested, you will need to wait for the status to change to c omplete (meaning the money has cleared from the Customer's bank account) to r efund it. Alternatively, contact the bank directly so that they cancel the Transaction on their side. Direct Debit Transactions can only be cancelled by the bank once requested.
Note: You can only refund transactions with a credit or debit card. For Direct Debit Transactions, manage r efunds from the Gateway account.
Note : Every Service has a set of required fields. If you miss one of them, the Charge will not be created. Please check here what fields are mandatory to fill in to prevent it.
Connect Fraud Check to new Charges
To connect a standalone Fraud transaction to a new Charge:
- Go to Charges > Actions > View Logs for the specified Fraud Charge. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
- Under the Charge details, copy the “id_”.
- Perform the steps to Add a new Charge, explained here.
- Under the Fraud Information, insert the copied Fraud Charge ID.
- Click Create.
Note: The initial Fraud Charge will remain intact.
Connect Fraud Check to existing Charges
To connect a standalone Fraud transaction to a complete Charge:
- Go to Charges > Actions > View Logs for the specified Charge. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
- Under the Charge details, copy the “_id”.
- Go to Charges > Actions > Connect for the specified Fraud transaction. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
- Insert the copied Charge ID.
- Click Connect.
Note: The initial Fraud Charge will remain intact.
Update Requested Charge Status
Payment Gateways only sometimes provide real-time data on the Charge status. You can manually update the status of requested transactions only and avoid inaccurate reporting and revenue mismatch.To manually update the status of requested Charges:
- Go to Charges > View Mode > Actions > Update Status for the specified Charge. You can use the filter option or browse the list.
- Change the Status to:
- Complete > in the External ID field, provide the Charge reference from the Payment Service Provider.
- Failed > in the External ID field, provide the Charge reference from the Payment Service Provider. In the Gateway error code field, provide the error code for the correct mapping of the Charge.
Charge status
Charge statuses help diagnose any issues and act on amendments:
charge status | description |
pending | a charge awaits capture or cancel |
requested | a charge was requested, but the gateway did not return the actual status (for bank account transactions). The status will be updated automatically by the schedule task |
failed | a charge failed |
refund_requested | a refund was requested, but the gateway did not return the actual status (it usually requires some time). The status will be updated automatically by the schedule task or manually by the specific endpoint |
void_requested | a void was requested, but the connected service did not return the actual status. The status will be monitored by us until a result is returned. It can also be manually checked |
capture_requested | a capture was requested, but the connected service did not return the actual status. The status will be monitored by us until a result is returned |
refund_void_requested | a refund void was requested, but the connected service did not return the actual status. The status will be monitored by us until a result is returned. It can also be manually checked |
refunded | a refund is successful |
inprogress | an intermediate status (short-lived) |
held | a subscription status on hold |
archived | a charge is archived |
not_authenticated | 3DS was not passed. There is an issue with authentication. |
pre_authenticated | 3DS is successfully created and accepted by the user |
pre_authentication_pending | 3DS is successfully created and awaits to be accepted by the user |
authentication_not_supported | 3DS is not supported for the card. |
inreview | a fraud service requested review (fraud mode is active) |
declined | a charge was declined after the inreview status |
cancelled | a charge was cancelled |
wallet_initialized | a token to utilize in the Client SDK is created which is used for initialising a payment using Apple/Google Pay. |