The Audit visualises how Users interact with your account through an API call or directly from the Dashboard. This feature allows you to detect anomalies and improve internal processes. The admin can download historical data for the previous 90 days.
The Audit section can be viewed from the Profile Menu.
- Go to Profile menu > Audit.
- Click on Download Selection to export all Audits on the page in CSV format.
- Click on Actions > View Details for the specified Action to view more details. You can use the filter option or browse the list.

Here are the general details of every Action performed on your account:
- Action - the name of the Action
- Agent - the requester of the event (User email or Token ID)
- Request type - the performer of the Action (API or Dashboard)
- Method - the request method (GET, POST, DELETE)
- Status - the status of the Action
- URI - the request endpoint
- IP - the IP Address of the requester
- Date - the date of the Action
- Time - the time of the Action
Here are the additional details available for each Action on your account:
- Issuer User Details - user ID, email, full name, and role
- Request Details - request ID, permission, host, and IP
- Route Details - the route and the request method