Add new Notification Templates

To customise how you notify Customers about specific events:

  1. Go to Notifications > Templates > Add Template.
  2. Select SMS, Email, or Webhook from the drop-down menu.


    1. Name the template in Label and choose a Notification Event from the drop-down menu. View the Event Types here.
    2. Use Variables, all related to the event, to automatically insert specified information. Copy the Variables by clicking on them and paste them into the Plain Text section.
    3. Check the template’s format in Preview (Plain Text) space on the right-hand side.
    4. Select Save Template. You can view the number of characters next to the button.


  1. Choose between Template builder or Raw HTML.
  2. Name the template in Label and choose a Notification Event from the drop-down menu. View the Event Types here.
  3. Patterns - select General.
  4. Logo Source URL - insert the Logo image URL address. Choose the visibility (show or hide).
  5. Title - insert the email’s title in a text format. Choose the alignment (left, right, or centre).
  6. Paragraph - insert the email’s main section in a text format. Choose the alignment (left, right, or centre). Click on + Add Paragraph to create an extra paragraph.
  7. Footer -  insert the email’s footer in a text format. Choose the alignment (left, right, or centre).
  8. Use Variables, all related to the event, to automatically insert specified information. Copy the Variables by clicking on them and paste them into the Title/Paragraph/Footer sections.
  9. Check the template’s format in Preview (HTML) space on the right-hand side.
  10. Select Save Template.


  1. Name the template in Label and choose a Notification Event from the drop-down menu. View the Event Types here.
  2. Use Variables, all related to the event, to automatically insert specified information. Copy the Variables by clicking on them.
  3. Check the template’s format in Preview space on the right-hand side.
  4. Select Save Template.